Rice a la Adelaide

So about a month ago ( I know, I'm way behind on my blogging, my apologies) I was eating a banana with Addie in my arms. I had one more bite and I just happened to look over at Addie when I was opening my mouth to eat it, she was opening her mouth too! I thought to myself "Why not?" so I put it up to her lips and she started licking at it, that smart little girl! So I let her lick at it for awhile, then I thought "What if I mashed it up?" so I did and she ate the rest of it no problem. After that every time Mitch or I opened our mouths for a drink, or food, she would open her mouth too! The next week after this happened I decided to try some rice with her. I was a little hesitant at first, because I wanted to wait a little bit longer before I started her on solid foods, but I got a little excited and Addie seemed to be interested in the subject of food, so we started on the rice. Addie's Grandma and Grandpa Oliver were kind enough to give us a food mill so we ground up some rice, added some good momma juice, and away we went. She liked the rice, for the most part, it was a new experience to swallow something that wasn't pure liquid! Since then we've moved onto oatmeal which she seems to enjoy a lot better, and she's even had a tiny taste of raspeberry, (which was sour, but she kept licking) and some of momma's peas( which she didn't like at all)but we'll keep trying them another time!


JoshandMegs said...

it's so much fun reading about Adelaide since she and Abigail are so close in age. Abigail will be 6 months old in a couple of weeks and her doctor told me I should start her up on food...I've held out on her since I never want her to grow up, ha. Thankfully she's been nice to her mommy and been content with just nursing, but I know I need to give in and start her up soon...wish me luck! Such a cute video.

Rebecca and Ryan Withers said...

So lucky!! I can't belive how much she looks like mitch, then i am like wait she looks just like mandy, then i am like crap, i don't know..... But any who, so lucky she is starting to eat some food for ya... we have been trying with paycee for a month, she won't eat anything but her milk.... yum yum for me... i keep telling her she won't be so hungy all the time if she would just eat some food.... no matter at 6 months and 22lbs i think she is doing fine!! Congrats on the milstone to addy!!

Robyn said...

Ok, so the pictures are way cute, but your comments about them cracked me up. Love it! :)