
Mitch has been studying away since before Christmas for his second year national boards examinations and the culmination of all this study led of course to the actual test in February. Well for the past couple of weeks we have been anxiously awaiting his scores to see how he did and most importantly if he passed or if he would have to start studying all over again to take it again in the summer.Yesterday our waiting came to an end and the exciting news is that he PASSED!! Yeah babe! He was hoping for some better scores in Anatomic Science and Dental Anatomy for which he studied the hardest but overall he did really well!! He is always spouting the proverb, "Expect the worst and hope for the best", which is exactly what he did and so when the letter came there were no undue tears or exaltations of joy, just a confirmed sense of confidence and a smile!

The test includes sections on Anatomic Sciences, Biochemistry/ Physiology, Microbiology/Pathology, and Dental Anatomy/ Occlusion. Any comprehensive score of these four parts that is a 75 or above is a passing grade and anything below 75 is a failing grade, luckily Mitch passed with flying colors and is now eligible to take his part 2 boards to receive his national board certificate during his 4th year of school.
He deserves a lot of congratulations and praise for the hard work that he put into studying for this test, there were lots of long nights sitting in one chair, and starring at his computer screen trying to process all the information that they gave him to study, which was a lot!! Addie and I are so proud of Mitch!


Matt and Christy said...

Congrats Mitch. That is a big accomplishment! Congratulations to Mandy for supporting your husband (sometimes it is not very fun and rather lonely I know!)

Matt and Amie said...

Congrats Mitch! Thats so exciting! And congrats to you Mandy!! Those nights get lonely when the boys are lost in their books! :)