Miwaukee Here We Come
So this is the last week of classes and in one week Mitch and I will be traveling on our way across the U.S. of A to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.A little overwhelming but hopefully going to be a great adventure for us and our new family. Mitch will be attending Marquette University to become a dentist and is looking forward to progressing with his schooling. He graduates next weekend from Utah State University with a bachelor's degree in biology and therefore the move to Milwaukee for his graduate work. We'll be out there for four years while Mitch finishes and so that means our first child will be born out there too!! Mitch went out for his interview before he was accepted and his description and pictures of Milwaukee were bleak and flat, there are no mountains, but there's a little bit of pretty in everything right. Milwaukee is right on the shore of lake Michigan and this picture above captures not only the shoreline but the city skyline as well.
3:57 PM | | 2 Comments
We're pregnant!!
Mitch and I are going to have a baby!! We're fourteen weeks into pregnancy and finally past the queasiness. We went in for our first doctors appointment at about 9 weeks and got these amazing ultrasounds taken of our "tiny peanut". It's pretty awesome how technology can put this image into your head and carry so much emotion with it. You can't really make out the baby quite yet in these but it's there. This first ultrasound has the heartbeat showing at the bottom as highs and lows and is pinpointed by the white line going from top to bottom of the screen. At nine weeks it was beating at a racing 196 beats a minute. My coworker says baby girls always have faster heartbeats than baby boys but that could just be hearsay. In the two pictures on the right you can see the egg sac as the round white circle and below that is the fetus. At our twelve month checkup we got to hear the heartbeat again, this time for longer than the first. It's 164 beats a minute was a little less than before but the doctor said that was good. Maybe she was picking up my heartbeat as well cause it was pounding just hearing that living child inside of me.
Our due date is October 21st which is the same month as my birthday and the same date as Mitch's birthday in June. Mitch wants a little girl, but I would really like a baby boy. We'll have to see at our twenty week visit what it's going to be.
3:12 PM | | 1 Comments