Allergies, Sleep & Bike Rides

We've had a full little week here at the Oliver house. Saturday morning Bug had an allergic reaction to some eggs and broke out in hives. She has also started sleeping on her tummy which is so cute. Every time I put her in her crib for a nap or for bedtime she automatically rolls on to her side and when I come in to get her she has rolled onto her tummy.She has also learned how to pull herself up to standing in her crib so we had to lower it a few weeks ago. She pulls herself up on anything she can and frequently uses Mitch and I as a jungle gym to crawl, stand, crouch, bend and walk all over. We were lucky enough to get a free bike seat for her so she can come on bike rides with Mitchell and I. Here are a few pictures of allergies, sleep and our family rides. Hope you enjoy. To make the insert bigger click on the "scrapblog" link in the bottom right hand corner of the page, then click the green full screen button after the new page opens. SORRY EVERYBODY TRY AGAIN TO SEE THE SCRAPBLOG AND SEE IF IT WORKS NOW. LET ME KNOW AGAIN IF IT DOESN'T. THANKS.


JoshandMegs said...

hmmm, we need a password to view the pictures.