
Mitch has been studying away since before Christmas for his second year national boards examinations and the culmination of all this study led of course to the actual test in February. Well for the past couple of weeks we have been anxiously awaiting his scores to see how he did and most importantly if he passed or if he would have to start studying all over again to take it again in the summer.Yesterday our waiting came to an end and the exciting news is that he PASSED!! Yeah babe! He was hoping for some better scores in Anatomic Science and Dental Anatomy for which he studied the hardest but overall he did really well!! He is always spouting the proverb, "Expect the worst and hope for the best", which is exactly what he did and so when the letter came there were no undue tears or exaltations of joy, just a confirmed sense of confidence and a smile!

The test includes sections on Anatomic Sciences, Biochemistry/ Physiology, Microbiology/Pathology, and Dental Anatomy/ Occlusion. Any comprehensive score of these four parts that is a 75 or above is a passing grade and anything below 75 is a failing grade, luckily Mitch passed with flying colors and is now eligible to take his part 2 boards to receive his national board certificate during his 4th year of school.
He deserves a lot of congratulations and praise for the hard work that he put into studying for this test, there were lots of long nights sitting in one chair, and starring at his computer screen trying to process all the information that they gave him to study, which was a lot!! Addie and I are so proud of Mitch!

Camping Gear

Mitch and I have been putting together our emergency prepardness/ camping stuff for the last couple months and I had all of these loose utensils just hanging around amongst my neatly organized camping tote. So I decided that it was high time that they had a neatly organized holder as well, so I made one and I really like how it turned out.It is a little bulkier than I expected with all the spoons, knives, can opener etc. in there but it's still flat enough to fit into the camping tote so it works.

For Those of You Who Don't Know

The Wisconsin Oliver's are welcoming a new baby into our family!I am about 15 weeks along and the due date is AUGUST 29th. Although not far enough along to see what gender the baby is, we are excited to find out in about 5 weeks time. Until then I don't really like calling "it" "it" so I've started referring to him as baby "Y", because I think it's a boy and therefore he has a "Y" chromosome which leads to the name. Mitch on the other hand hasn't taken sides and to poke fun at me a little bit has started referring to him as baby "XXY", to account for if it's a girl "XX" or a boy "XY". I reminded him today that although this is a great way to condense, it also is a reference to having a baby with Klinefelter's syndrome. But any baby would be welcome in our home, so the chromosomal name is of no consequence, but I still think it's a boy.
I've felt a little more nauseous and tired and generally a little more irritable than I did with Addie, but besides that everything is great with baby and momma. Here are the pictures from the 13 week ultrasound. The first picture you can see the face, the two hemispheres of the brain, and the little lungs. The following pictures all have little explanations of what you're looking at.If you want to blow up the scrapblog pages click on the gray link in the right lower corner that says scrapblog.
Mitch and I are very excited to welcome this little kiddo and more than a little anxious as well, enjoy the first pictures of our little one.

Story Time

So I haven't been posting one because there has been no news and two because there has been no pictures. Addie has become fascinated with the camera and so every time I get it out to take a picture she drops whatever the cute thing is that I want to take a picture of and races toward me and the camera so she can take a look. This has resulted in very cute things taken in a very blurry manner and most of them haven't even been worth keeping because you can't even tell what she is doing. By the time I get the camera out and up to take a picture she's already high tailing it over to me and by the time the shutter goes off it's just a smudgy blur of color. Here are the best ones I got and the story to go with them.

Before bedtime it is in our routine to read a story, one night Addie got out a book and grabbed a dolly but instead of coming over to sit on my lap, she asked to get up onto the couch. I sat her up there and she proceeded to put the dolly in her own lap and open the book. The book just happens to be one of her favorites because it has pictures of all sorts of animals in it so she was jabbering away as she turned th page and if she came to an animal she knew she would say the word, make the noise, or sign the animals name. She especially enjoyed telling the dolly about the monkeys in the book. In this picture she is holding her nose saying elephant in her baby sign language.

On Sunday I was doing the dishes when Addie came in and started to "help" by taking out everything I had just put in, well this continued for awhile until she had everything out of the little utensil basket. She then snatched up the basket from it's nestled spot in the dishwasher and started carrying it around the house in the crook of her arm. I started singing a tisket, a tasket a green and yellow basket and because it was Sunday and she had her dress on she started to "spin". It was a very cute red riding hood type of moment.

Addie has been really into stickers lately. I have a baggie of odds and ends stickers I've collected over the years that I let her get into and this day she was putting stickers on momma's face, then I would put one on her face etc. This is the end result.