7 Month Stats

Wesley had his Check up this week with the regular pediatrician and everything is looking good. He is developmentally right on track, is sitting up, reaching for things, babbling and responding to people around him etc. I was a little disappointed that he hadn't gained any weight since his operation but he is healthy and happy and so I can't complain. The doctor just said he's a little guy which is probably a combo of genetics and the issues he's had with his kidneys. Hopefully with the feeding regime we've got him on he'll start packing on the pounds. The doctor said he's proportionate and still growing on his curve accept for weight, which would only concern her is he hadn't had some issues and if he looked like he was languishing or malnourished which he doesn't so that was good news.

Height: 26 in (25th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz ( 3rd percentile)
Head Circumference: 42 3/4cm ( 25th percentile)


Robyn said...

Good to hear that Wesley is doing well. :) Aiden weighs 11 lbs 8 oz right now; too bad he can't give Wesley some of his chub.